Non-Hermitean Random Matrices: 50 Years After Ginibre
Research Workshop of The Israel Science Foundation
22 – 27 October 2014
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Non-Hermitean random matrices introduced by Jean Ginibre nearly half a century ago have made a long way from oblivion to a flourishing research field. Born out of mathematical curiosity and lacking immediate applications at the time, non-Hermitean random matrix models have appeared in various disciplines and systems – quantum chaology and mathematical statistics, statistical and condensed matter physics, quantum chromodynamics and the theory of random functions – continuing to challenge both mathematical and theoretical physicists.
The purpose of this workshop, devoted to the 50th anniversary of Ginibre's influential paper on the Statistical Ensembles of Complex, Quaternion, and Real Matrices [J. Math. Phys. 6, 440 (1965)], is to convene leading researchers from both the mathematics- and physics-oriented parts of the multifaceted random-matrix-theory community to discuss the latest developments in non-Hermitean random matrix theory and closely related fields.
The workshop topics include (but are not restricted to)
Mathematical aspects of Ginibre's ensembles
(spectral fluctuations and universality,
motion, beta-ensembles, integrability)
Non-Hermitean matrix models beyond Ginibre's class
and random analytic functions (truncated matrices,
matrix products, Euclidean random matrices,
random polynomials)
Non-Hermitean matrix models in high-energy,
condensed matter and statistical physics
Please navigate through this website for further information.
The workshop is co-sponsored by The Israel Science Foundation, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, H.I.T. - Holon Institute of Technology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The International Association of Mathematical Physics.